I’m just getting started!

So this is my first blog so please bear with me.  God has moved me in so many ways this year and He is urging me to come out of my shell and let Him shine through me.

It all began by something as simple as changing the station on my radio.   A friend had posted on Facebook that she had given her life to Christ but she had never stopped listening to ‘her’ kind of music.   She went on to say that her life changed once she changed the station to Christian music. I love music. I love to sing (although I’m not any good). I have listen to mostly country music for the last 20+ years and wondered myself if she could be right.   I made the change in April and almost immediately felt a shift in my relationship with Christ.   I can only get the station in my car so I listen on my way to and from work (about 15 minutes each way).  Every song seemed to be written just for me. I found myself praying more and feeling God’s presence constantly.   Soon I couldn’t get enough.  I downloaded songs on my Ipod to listen to at work.  I could get the station on my home computer so I began listening as I get ready in the morning.   My son, Chris has started liking ‘my’ music and our favorite song is Casting Crowns’ Praise You In This Storm.

Chris was at Camp Courageous in early June.  He loves camp but he gets homesick easily.  The day before he was to come home, I was in my car waiting to pick up Jarl.  The National Weather Service broke in stating there was a thunderstorm warning for the county the camp is in.  I trust the camp and its counselors with my son, but I was a bit concerned how Chris would react.  I said a prayer asking God to be with Chris and help him to not be afraid.  The very next song was Praise You In This Storm. God was telling me he had heard my prayer and was with Chris.  What an awesome God who uses something a simple as a favorite song to comfort you.

I don’t know what God has planned for me next, but I’m ready to say YES to Him.  And we’re just getting started!


2 thoughts on “I’m just getting started!

  1. Marcia you are brave and faithful. God will guide you and always listen. I would make a social story when it is time to tell Chris. It is never a good time to ever tell you child you have cancer but I would not do it alone. He is smart and will figure something is wrong before to long. If you need help creating the social story I will be more than glad to help. You are in my prayers. God only gives us what we can handle. Big hugs.

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